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Five Reasons to Study Spanish in Malaga

If you are looking for an enriching Spanish learning experience, Malaga presents itself as the ideal destination. Bathed in sunshine for most of the year and cradled by the waters of the Mediterranean, this city is much more than a picturesque place to study Spanish; it is an immersive journey into the language, culture and natural beauty of Spain.

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Learning a language with social networks: challenges and strategies for the 21st century.

Learning a language with social networks: challenges and strategies for the 21st century.  Self-directed language learning has changed as a result of the use of digital technology, and there are now countless online tools and spaces with great learning potential. In 2001, a framework for assessing communicative competence in foreign languages was created: the Common European Framework of Reference for

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Linguistic anxiety and self-study during foreign language learning.

Anxiety during language learning has been extensively researched and numerous elements have been identified as possible causes. It has been established that anxiety in a foreign language classroom, whether physical or virtual, is distinct from other types of anxiety and that it negatively affects both proficiency and the rate of language acquisition. Language anxiety” when learning a foreign language can

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Idiomas Carlos V Seville hosts the General Assembly of the Spanish Association for Foreigners in Andalusia (AEEA)

The facilities of the Carlos V Language School in Seville hosted the General Assembly of the Association of Spanish Schools for Foreigners of Andalusia (AEEA), an entity that represents accredited Private Spanish Schools for Foreigners that offer a wide range of Spanish Courses in the most attractive locations in Andalusia. The event, which was attended by XX members of the

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Open Educational Resources: opening up foreign language education

Do you know the term Open Educational Resources, also known by its acronym OER? It refers to learning, teaching and research materials in any format or medium that are in the public domain or that are protected by copyright and published under an open license, allowing free access, reuse, repurposing, adaptation and redistribution by others. Its literal translation in English

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Reverse language immersion: host a student from the U.S. in your home

Do you want your children to live a linguistic immersion at home and practice English with native kids of their age? In Idiomas Carlos V we are looking for you: within the International Mobility Programs that we usually organize in our offices in Seville and Malaga for foreign students, we are looking for host families for young people between 14 and 17 years old from the United States.

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Learning languages online: how to learn a language without access to a native speaker

Because of its interest and relation to language learning we share in our blog this article by Kelsea Mucherino, Erasmus coordinator of Eurospeak, one of the partners participating in Learning Foreign Languages Online (LFLO), originally published on the project’s website. Learning languages online: how to learn a language without access to a native speaker How can we learn to communicate

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