DELE Exams
Take the exam with us and get your DELE certificate. We have preparation courses and exam sessions at our own centers.
Certify your Spanish proficiency
Founded in 1988 by the Cervantes Institute, the Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) constitute an official recognition of the degree of competence and mastery of Spanish as a foreign language. This certification has a broad scope, reaching both public and private educational institutions and authorities as well as the bussiness sector and chambers of commerce.
In our language schools Carlos V we offer the opportunity to apply to the calls established by the Cervantes Institute, allowing students to demonstrate their level of competence in the Spanish language in a comfortable way and backed by the recognized quality of our educational centers.
In addition, we offer DELE preparation courses so that, during the two weeks prior to the exam you can prepare yourself adequately. We have highly trained native professionals who will guide you in the key areas of oral expression, written expression, written comprehension and listening comprehension, guaranteeing a solid preparation to obtain the official certification.
2 weeks course
10 hours per week
5% discount for 2nd student or unemployed.
Examination fee not included
2 weeks course
10 hours per week
5% discount for 2nd student or unemployed.
Examination fee not included
2 weeks course
10 hours per week
5% discount for 2nd student or unemployed.
Examination fee not included
Registration for the DELE exams must be made at least 50 days before the exam date through the website of the Instituto Cervantes. The dates of the exams can be consulted in our section Convocatorias or on the Instituto Cervantes website, where the registration deadline is also specified.
The registration fee for the DELE exams can be consulted here and . The corresponding payment for the exams will be made online, following the guidelines detailed on the Instituto Cervantes website.